
Elevate Your Events with Our Stunning Backdrops!
When hosting memorable events, first impressions matter. Our comprehensive backdrop solutions cater to various needs, from front-lit to backlit and even TV backdrops. Our talented designers ensure both aesthetics and mechanical precision. Plus, our in-house team handles delivery, installation, and dismantling. Choose our eco-friendly options for a sustainable impact.
Ready to transform your event space? Contact us today!
在舉辦難忘的活動時,第一印象至關重要。Kooprint 全面的背幕解決方案適應各種需求,包括常規背幕、燈箱背幕、甚至電視背景。我們的產品設計師確保美學和機械精度兼備。此外,我們的專業團隊可以處理交付、安裝和拆卸。您還可以選擇我們的環保選項,為可持續發展做出貢獻。


Discover our industry worlds

Design that makes a difference.

Introducing Mailer Box Inserts.

If you’re looking to order one of our amazing Custom Printed Mailer Boxes and need to pack a few different products into them, then why not have a look at our Mailer Box Inserts!